18th Festival of Tolerance
II Palaces – Providur ́s and Rector ́s Palace, HNK Zadar


Raspored programaProgramski vodič

For the past 17 years, the Festival of Tolerance paltform has been providing room for creativity to its members, artists, guests and general public, encouraging them to express themselves and get involved in art and society. The film program of the Festival of Tolerance traditionally consists of the latest film screened at the world's leading festivals (Sundance Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Sheffield International Documentary Festival) and awarded the most prestigious prizes in the world. The film lineup, selected by curators Boško Picula, Snježana Tribuson and artistic advisor Dina Pokrajac, largely inclueds high-quality European and world films, often unavailabale in regular cinema showings. National premieres of certain domestic and foreign films give additional value to the program, while almost all films will have their opening nights in Zadar. Besides their unique artistic value, the films stand out for their treatment of socially relevant issues and problems of minority and marginalized groups. This provides an avenue for deeper relfection and discussion, not only with filmmakers but also with experts in the fields concerened.

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